Legal Work and Appeals in the Federal Prison Camp

I was impressed with a number of inmates who did not let the bonds of prison stop them from pursuing their innocents and wrongful injustice with appeals and other legal work. It was actually encouraging to me for my own case, especially to here of some inmates going home earlier with sentence reduction and others having their restitutions reduced.

The law library was satisfactory equipped for research and studying of law cases. It also provided the basic needs to make copies, typing letters and mailing documents, sort of like a temporary field office that would get the job done.

There was always conversation regarding the latest court cases handed down by the Supreme, Circuit and District Courts. All inmates were interested to hear breaking news but the problem with all those conversations was that it would begin to get distorted and before you know it rumors developed. The caution was being sure to see it in writing, hear it from a reliable source or have it confirmed by a loved one back home with a little research.

Most inmates who did not appeal their case still have a chance to do so while incarcerated. However this ray of hope needs to take place within the first year of prison time. It’s called a 2255, a form that inmates fill out stating any wrongs that may have taken place in their trial. The response to this document varies with the different court in the United States, some get answered quickly and some are never heard of or seen again.

Legal work of all sorts, whether it be an appeal or law suit the process is alive in the prison system. Again, it was encouraging to witnesses it first hand and sometimes justice prevailed for the innocent.


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