Food in the Federal Prison Camp

Food in the prison camp was actually pretty good most of the time. I compare it to the cafeteria style food I had in public school and college. It was a revolving menu from week to week with some surprises once in a while.

Holidays were always full of extras, for example: Thanksgiving, there was always plenty of turkey and dressing for everyone along with pies for dessert plus much more.

Now the quality of the food relied a lot on the inmates because they were the ones preparing it. If there were good cooks and men who worked in restaurants before, the food was always good and well cooked.

Here is a case in point. Our pastries like donuts and cinnamon rolls were always dense and not always baked all the way. But one day we had a man who transferred from another institution and his former occupation was working in a bakery shop. Wow, what a difference, the donuts melted in your mouth, cinnamon rolls were now huge and fluffy, turnovers and pies of every flavor. Inmates waited in line for seconds and breakfast became a motivation to wake up early.

There are also times when the food was so bad because of overcooking or poorly prepared that everyone ate peanut butter sandwiches when available. After a while you learn to keep crackers and other non-perishable food from the commissary around for those bad food days. But for the majority of the times the food was pretty good.

Basic fruits and vegetable were always available as well vitamins in the commissary for nutritional values. Microwavable and can food products, chips, sodas and candy were also available for purchasing in the commissary for those who wanted snacks or a fourth meal in the evening. Bottom line is that food was always available for 3 meals a day and on time everyday.

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Posted in Food | 2 Comments
2 Comments to “Food in the Federal Prison Camp”
on 24 Apr 2009 at 7:18 am1Tombstone

I wanted to comment on this entry,also.At Colman Low, I was a Level 1 Cook for the lunch meal.All of us had had previous experence in kitchens,& our food was so good,even the staff would line up for it.We were given top of the line supplies,& were trusted enough by our Stewards,to be allowed to cook at our own speed,& methods,& we constantly surprised even ourselves,with how good our food was..
I also wanted to let your readers know,that we would not have tolerated any “extra”ingredients,like you read about all the time .We would have dealt with anything like that pretty quickly.We took pride in what we did each day,& earned alot of extra respect from everyone,for the hard work we would put into each meal,
on 24 Apr at 4:20 pm2Rickey

I am in total agreement, the pride inmates took in there job of preparing food was greatly rewarded and very much appreciated by inmates and prison staff. Eating was never a problem.


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