Questions & Answers
Here is a list of questions people have asked me and my answers based on 2 years incarceration as an inmate of one federal prison camp in the United States.
How long does it take before you can use the commissary, make a phone call and have visitors?
Use of commissary, phone and having visitors happen within a week.
For example, I self surrendered on a Monday, purchased items in the commissary on Tuesday, called my wife on Thursday and she was able to visit on Saturday.
Do the federal prison camps have music equipment?
Yes, the prison camp I was in had a piano, a keyboard, 2 guitars, 1 electric guitar, and sound equipment which were kept in the chapel or recreation room.
Where do you keep your valuables and things?
You will be provided a locker to keep your things in but you will need to buy a combination lock from the commissary to secure it.
Do inmates have access to computers or email?
No computer access. (I was able to work on a computer for my work detail as garage clerk but there was no internet hookup for emailing.)
My handwriting is bad, my daughter asked if I will be able to send letters typed?
Yes, typewriters are available for use in the library. The way they had it set up where I was is that you purchased a type writer ribbon in the commissary to use on the typewriter.
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119 Comments to “Questions & Answers”
on 22 Apr 2008 at 7:07 pm1Joan
Hi, I have a friend in camp, he is there 16 nonths now with about 6 ro go. He says he dosent feel like writing or calling ( he does call his kids and mom) is this normal? i write and write and he dosent respond until i get mad or he calls to thank me for books i sent and says he will call next week andnever does is this normal? does he want me to keep in touch ? or just get lost? thanks for yo help
on 23 Apr 2008 at 1:10 am2Rickey
Hi Joan,
To answer your first two questions “is this normal”, YES IT IS. But it has nothing to do with you, it’s a man thing.
You have made the effort to stay in touch but it’s clear that he does not.
To answer your last two questions, I would just ask him directly, then you will know for sure.
I was thrilled to get letters from friends, calls were limited and expensive but I always made sure to write and thanked them for their friendship and support. That’s a true friend!
on 29 Apr 2008 at 12:22 am3Carl Odom
Do wealthy inmates at federal minimum security prisons allowed to use their money to purchase items that are not available at the prison commissary?
Laptops, cell phones, book clubs, Walkmans, iPods, etcetera.
Is there an online site that lists allowed and disallowed priviledges?
An email response would be appreciated.
on 02 May 2008 at 1:58 am4Rickey
The answer to the first question, the answer is NO, there is no special treatment.
To answer the second question, I would have to say NO because at present I do not know of any.
Rights and privileges along with rules are provided to each inmate at time of incarceration and applies to that specific institution.
There is a basic set of rules in the prison system but each warden has their own set of rules as well.
on 04 May 2008 at 7:28 am5anna
Do you think that an inmate would appreciate the fact that an officer treats them with respect - like saying good afternoon - hello and of course the normal please and thank you? Is it a good thing to for a correctional officer to be kind to the inmates and be themselves with caution of course? I hear so many horror stories about how inmates get back at officers but I think that it is because the officers treat the inmate like they are less human.
on 04 May 2008 at 10:20 pm6Rickey
Hi Anna,
Yes, inmates do like officers who show them respect.
Yes, I believe it to be a good thing for officers to be kind and be cautious.
Your last statement is right on target, it’s no different than in society, people tend to stay away from people who mistreat them but it is equally true for those who respect each others, they will befriend you and help out when you need help.
on 03 Jun 2008 at 7:27 pm7mary
My brother is in the pre-sentenceing phase. I have been in contact with the federal probation officier and we still have an attorney engaged. What measures can I take to help him get in a minimal security camp….we where thinking Yankton, SD…do you know anything about this prison.
on 05 Jun 2008 at 5:59 pm8Rickey
Hello Mary,
Prison camps are usually reserved for first time offenders, for those who only have a short sentence and also for some who are transfered from low and medium because of their sentence ending soon, that’s my understanding.
It also depends on the crime a person is convicted of because certain crimes and the BOP guidelines that follow dictate where and how a person is to be incarcerated.
As to what measures you can take, my suggestion is to just ask and when it comes down to the sentencing, ask the judge to be in a certain location. In my case I ask to be incarcerated in Louisiana close to my family and Praise God I was.
The location of where he will be depends a lot on availability, I say that because of the overcrowding in the prison system.
Regarding Yankton, SD. Sorry I have no knowledge of that facility.
on 10 Aug 2008 at 8:24 pm9redstick
What is the determining factor if a person gets to go to a halfway house?
on 13 Aug 2008 at 6:49 pm10Rickey
I don’t think there is any determining factor, it’s just part of the BOP process.
Typically it works out to be one month half way house for each year an inmates is incarcerated.
on 12 Nov 2008 at 8:24 pm11Mike
Hi. From what I have read of your site (and by the way, thank you so much for the information you posted, it’s helped me feel a bit better) you are a religious man, and that’s fine by me. I want to ask a question and I hope you’ll indulge me even if perhaps your beliefs don’t agree.
I am gay and my partner just recently had to do a self turn in. I don’t think I need to say how devastating it was, for both of us. My question is in regards to visitation and letters. The lady at the front desk informed me, even after I stated that we were married, that he would have to mail the forms to me and then I’d have to have a background check done.
From what I understand in your blog post, that is the procedure for friends, not spouses. Does the BOP recognize gay marriage (I’m not here to make a civil rights case, I just want to know)? More importantly, if I do have to wait for him to mail this to me and then for the background check to be done, how long should I expect that to take? Does he have to earn money inside before he can mail me?
Thanks again for a very informative site. Though it’s not a great time in our lives, it does help my piece of mind.
on 12 Nov 2008 at 11:32 pm12Rickey
Mike, each new inmate goes into the prison system with a file called a PSI, it’s a pre-sentencing report of information consisting basically of your immediate family like wife, kids, parents, siblings and where they live among other things. Now because they are on the PSI, they automatically become approved to visit. Anyone not on the PSI does have to submit a visitors form to be approved.
I have know clue about BOP policy regarding your unique situation.
The visitors form is usually processed within a week or so provided the Bop staff moves on it quickly.
In responce to mailing, if he had no funds going in then yes, he will have to waite for funds in order to buy stamps from the commissary and that can take a few months depending on work detail assignment and pay periods. But if he went in with some money it should only take a week or so.
Thank you for visiting and the words of thanks, greatly appreciated.
on 13 Nov 2008 at 12:32 am13Mike
Thanks for your speedy response.
In fact, I was with him when that report was written (in our case, it was a Post-Sentence Report, which I hear is rather unique) and I believe I was included along with his immediate family.
The situation we ran into was the fact that Virginia does not recognize gay marriage of course, and so, if I was added on as a spouse, would I still be recognized.
Anyway, thank you again. I’ll be trying to send him some money here as soon as my job starts up, I just can’t stand the thought of him being so utterly alone, even among all the other inmates.
Thanks again,
on 13 Nov 2008 at 2:01 am14Rickey
It’s a sure bet that if the state or federal will not recognize it, neither will the BOP.
on 13 Nov 2008 at 2:10 am15Mike
Well, luckily enough, New Jersey (where Fort Dix is) recognizes civil unions, so perhaps that’ll be good enough for the BOP.
on 13 Nov 2008 at 4:01 am16Rickey
Best of luck to you both!
on 13 Nov 2008 at 4:15 am17Mike
Thank you again, I can’t say that enough, and the same to you!
on 13 Nov 2008 at 11:02 pm18Mike
Hey, me again, I was wondering, what do you think the other inmates’ perspective will be if and when they find out that he is gay? Are they as judgmental in there, as people are out here? Thanks in advance
on 14 Nov 2008 at 1:27 am19Rickey
Let me just say that he is better off in a prison camp than a prison. I say that because in a camp there are many rules and guidlines that inmates must follow in order to have that privilege, any violations and they are removed from camp and put in prison (fighting for example is an automatic removal).
When he is found out, the whole camp will know quickly because of gossip.
Yes, the other inmates will be just as judgemental, some will be mean (like high school behavior) and others will pay him no mind and leave him alone because camp inmates tend to keep to themselves.
on 14 Nov 2008 at 5:07 pm20Mike
I see. Well, I guess that’s to be expected. I don’t know if he’s in the camp or the main facility (which is low security). If I send mail to the main facility and he is in the camp, will it still get to him? Thanks again, for your help
on 14 Nov 2008 at 10:14 pm21Rickey
I suggest that you wait for him to send you a letter first because each letter going into the prison has to have the correct address (prison camp or prison) and must have the inmate’s registration number, otherwise it will be sent back. If you happen to talk with him on the phone, ask for the mailing address and his registration number.
on 14 Nov 2008 at 11:12 pm22Mike
Certainly, but, I included all the necessary information, only thing I didn’t know was “camp” or “FCI”. I’m anxiously awaiting a phone call, but have not yet received one. So, I guess that’s all for now. Thanks for the response.
on 14 Nov 2008 at 11:54 pm23Rickey
Always write Federal Prison Camp (full address) because acronyms and abbreviations are not always welcomed and may be rejected.
on 15 Nov 2008 at 2:45 am24Mike
Oh, right, I should have clarified, I did in fact write out the full name “Federal Correctional Institute” but I still wasn’t sure whether it should have been the satellite camp or that. Anyway, I’ll find out soon enough.
Also, will they notify him that money has been put into his account, or does he have to ask?
on 15 Nov 2008 at 2:59 am25Rickey
Yes, do write camp on it, it speeds the sorting of mail for the officers.
When it comes to checking commissary accounts and funds, the BOP has something like a teller machine that each inmate has access to which provides them the basic information. Very convenient! Yes, they did provide a print out before the machines were installed.
on 15 Nov 2008 at 3:24 am26Mike
Ok, then I guess I have no choice but to sit back and wait for a call. Thanks for your help. I’m going stir crazy over not hearing from him, but, once I do hopefully things will smooth out a bit. Thanks again
on 15 Nov 2008 at 4:33 am27Rickey
Yes, be patient, it’s not him delaying things, it’s the system.
on 17 Nov 2008 at 11:30 pm28Mike
Hi, me again, still haven’t heard from my partner. I had another question.
If, in the plea deal he took, he was supposed to pay the feds $100 dollars as part of some stupid fine, and he doesn’t have the money to pay it yet, will they take that money from his account?
In other words, if I sent him some money to be able to call me, would they just take all of it straight from his account, making as though I had never sent him a dime?
I wonder this because I still haven’t heard from him and stress is starting to eat away at my nerves. Please answer soon, if you know how that goes. Thanks as always
on 18 Nov 2008 at 12:45 am29Rickey
Yes, if any type of restitution is to be paid they will take a percentage out of his account but not all of it and he will be informed of it, sort of a payment plan.
on 18 Nov 2008 at 12:58 am30Mike
So he should have at least something in there, okay. Thank you, once again
on 18 Nov 2008 at 1:10 am31Rickey
Mike, did he go in with some funds to start with?
on 18 Nov 2008 at 1:14 am32Mike
No, not to start with. Two days later I transferred a fairly decent sum through the BOP’s recommended site (western union). Since then I’ve heard nothing.
on 18 Nov 2008 at 1:20 am33Rickey
Whoa, was his registration number included with the information?
on 18 Nov 2008 at 1:23 am34Mike
Yes, I already have it memorized and it was definitely included when I submitted the funds.
on 18 Nov 2008 at 1:33 am35Rickey
Good! Another thing that could possibly be delaying him is isolation. I have heard that some prisons place new inmates in a cell for a couple of weeks or so for processing and medical testing before introducing them to the prison population. The only other thing I would suggest is calling the institution.
on 18 Nov 2008 at 1:40 am36Mike
Man, that would be awful, I hope they didn’t do that. He does have a few medical issues, lots of medication he has to take for his back, but I don’t see how that might be delaying him. I was thinking of calling, but if they people who answer are anything like the lady at the front desk when we arrived, then it won’t be worth it.
We walk in, nervous, scared and depressed, and my partner hands the lady his letter that says he has to turn himself in, and she gives him this look, shifts her plate of food aside, and just stares. So he says, “do you need this?” and she goes, “yes, but you reached over my food…” like he had called her a dirty name or something.
Anyway, thanks for all your help once again, I have to head out so if I hear anything I’ll post (if only to make myself feel better). Take it easy, sir, and thank you once more.
on 18 Nov 2008 at 7:31 pm37Mike
Hi, just out of curiosity, you wouldn’t happen to know if I could check my partner’s account balance online, would you?
on 18 Nov 2008 at 9:56 pm38Rickey
That would be a NO.
on 19 Nov 2008 at 1:44 am39Mike
on 21 Nov 2008 at 4:31 am40Mike
When I mail in my Visitor’s Information form, on the back where it has the mailing address, there is a line that says:
“Attn: Counselor__________, Unit__________”
What do I fill in here, or do I need to at all?
on 21 Nov 2008 at 5:01 am41Rickey
Normally inmates ask for a visitors form from the counselor and that area is already filled out. Inmates see a counselor in camp for paperwork and other general request if they need something. Unit can be “camp” or “area designation” depending on the size of the camp (careful, mailing information that is not complete can further delay things or possibly be discarded).
on 21 Nov 2008 at 2:11 pm42Mike
Ok, I will wait for him to write or call, I did ask him already so I think he’s going to try and find out. Thanks
on 25 Nov 2008 at 1:34 am43Mike
If I send in my visitor’s info form, would I be allowed to send it to my partner and have him turn it in to his counselor for me, or does it have to be directly addressed to the counselor?
on 25 Nov 2008 at 5:12 am44Rickey
Mail it to the counselor.
on 04 Jan 2009 at 8:27 am45charles
Hi, my brother is self surrendering in another month and I just wanted to know if you know anything about the “drug program” that certain inmates are eligible to apply for. I hear that it knocks off about a year for the inmates sentence and six months halfway house. I would just like to know how it works and if it really takes off that much time. Thanks in advance. Your site has relieved me of alot of stress.
on 04 Jan 2009 at 8:31 pm46Rickey
Charles, you are correct, the drug progams do reduce time considerably as you heard but there is a waiting list and requires a transfer to the facilities providing the program. The wait could be a few months to a year. Have your brother check into it during his first team review or when he talks with the case worker.
on 05 Jan 2009 at 6:05 pm47Charles
Thanks for the quick response. I would like to know if the waiting list cuts off on the time that will be reduced from the sentence, since Im sure it will be a pretty long line. And how hard is it to get into the program?
on 05 Jan 2009 at 10:43 pm48Rickey
Charles, Sorry but the waiting list is just waitng for a spot to open and does not count on that time. Getting into the drug program is just a matter of asking but its up to the BOP, the case manager and camp administration to decide based on your personal case and behavior.
on 12 Jan 2009 at 10:10 pm49Chris
I am waiting to be senteced my federal guideline is 47 to 56 months(for a white collar crime with practaly no victims)
Do you think its possible for me to receive no prison time at all. Or what do think my best hope is for
Also how much cash should I bring with me when I turn myself in
on 13 Jan 2009 at 7:18 pm50Rickey
Chris, First let me say that I am not a legal counsel by any means. The decision about your sentencing is entirely in the judges hand whether he or she follows the federal guidelines or not. The best thing to do is not upset the judge.
Now as to how much money to bring when self-surrendering, I would bring $200 in the form of a United States postel money order, no cash bills.
on 03 Feb 2009 at 8:57 pm51Eddie
What’s up man? I was recently sentenced to 37 months and am currently free pending an appeal from the 4th circuit for a lesser sentence.My question is how often are appeals successful?At least from what you know or have heard..Thanks again
on 04 Feb 2009 at 12:55 am52Rickey
Eddie, You ask a very good question, I have no statistics to share but I have an idea that it’s a small percentage. In my personal opinion, if you are innocent and know you are, fight it all the way to the Supreme Court, that’s what I did. I say that because I have seen inmates while in prison camp who did get reduced sentences and restitutions cut in half. Appeal, it may be your case that becomes case law to free others.
on 04 Feb 2009 at 9:41 pm53Eddie
Yea I understand that this system is pretty cut and dry.Not to mention a multi million dollar industry .I am one of the millions of first time nonviolent drug offenders with children.I can only hope our new leaders focus on reform.Thank you for your help man God Bless.
on 04 Feb 2009 at 11:04 pm54julie
Hi i wanted to ask my husand was sentenced 5 months in prison but he is in county jail do you know how long do it take to be move to ferdal prison . and it been over 1 months that he surrender.
on 05 Feb 2009 at 5:42 pm55Rickey
Eddie, Yes, there is a lot of talk about reform, especially in the category of your case and other drug related crimes. I now believe strongly that you will make a difference in your appeal. There have been too many inmates in the prison camps who pleaded guilty through intimidation when they had the facts and evidence to fight and win in a trial.
on 05 Feb 2009 at 8:30 pm56Rickey
Julie, a lot has to do with space, location, and convenience of the BOP. Transfers can take anywhere from 1 to 6 months because it’s not a priority for them. The good news is that the time he serves in county does apply to his sentence.
on 06 Feb 2009 at 2:14 am57julie
Thank you Rickey.So you think he could stay in the county jail and come home .cause he is serve only 5 month.and i hear for people like him go to a camp cause it is short time.and do you know if he went in jan 5 so will he be home june 5 ?
on 06 Feb 2009 at 5:16 am58Rickey
Julie, Yes it’s possible that he could serve all his time in county but I have also seen inmates serve only 3 months in a prison camp.
Yes, if he was sentence to 5 months, his time started when he got in so June 5 sounds about right or sooner with good time behavior.
on 06 Feb 2009 at 11:33 pm59Seb
Thanks for the great insight, I am in the process of accepting a plea for bank fraud (I trusted someone and got screwed, I never had any intentions of ever commiting fraud and I have a perfectly clean record). According to my attorney the prosecutor is offering 33 months of which the las six months will be at a halfway house. The prosecutor also said he is offering my attorney the right of downward depature because he feels my punishment doesn’t fit the crime. My questions are: 1) how much realistcally can the judge lower my sentace based on downward departure? 2) Last six months in halfway house-is this realistic? 3) In regards to playing sports can anyone jump in or do newbies have a hard time getting involved in athletics? 4) Are you allowed to wear sneakers or you always in flip flops making it preety difficult to play sports? Thank you for all your help.
on 07 Feb 2009 at 1:40 am60Rickey
Seb, (1) I am not familiar with downward departure but the judge will go by the set guidelines for the crime. Those guidelines have a range and the judge will determine if you will serve the minimum or the maximum at sentencing.
(2) Halfway house time is correct, about 5 to 6 months.
(3) No problem with newbies getting involved with sports, sometime they look for volunteers to play. My suggestion is just watch for a while and let the inmates get to know you, eventually they will ask if you play and that will open the door. When holidays come around and sports seasons like baseball, inmates have tournaments where they will post sign-up sheets to participate, that is another open door. Once they see you enjoy sports and good at it, they will ask you to be on their team. Plenty of sports opportunity.
(4) Yes, you are allowed to wear sneakers, you can even purchase them in the commissary. I have seen self-surrender inmates who were allowed to keep their sneakers when checking in. The BOP recreational department supplies a lot of equipment, even cleat shoes to play baseball. The flip flops or slippers serve two purposes, slippers and shower shoe.
on 29 Mar 2009 at 2:06 am61Patty
I am thinking about becomeing a pen pal to an inmate that may not have anyone to really talk to but am not sure how to really go about doing it. Can you give me any advice? Do the letters really help the inmate realize that some peaple care? Is there anything i should watch for or be careful of?
on 29 Mar 2009 at 3:44 am62Rickey
Patty, I’m sorry but I have not gotten involved in the activity of people being penpals so I have no advice to give. Although, I am familiar with what you are talking about and I know for a fact that mail call is one of the highlights of an inmates day, it’s a good idea. Yes, some inmates do like to know that someone cares. The only caution I would stress is that mail is looked at by the BOP before the inmates receives it.
on 07 Apr 2009 at 4:27 am63Junior
How do new and young inmates get treaded in the camp.. I see that you have written a lot of positive things about a camp but what are the negatives. I was told by a friend of mine that he was almost rape. Can that really happen to young inmates. Sorry if i go of topic but these are some of my concern before I self surrender.
on 08 Apr 2009 at 1:14 am64Rickey
Junior, rather young or older, new inmates are treated the same because in my observation the other inmates will first be suspicious till they get to know you. It’s no difference than going to college or starting a new job, eventually you will learn who to trust and who to avoid.
Yes, there is some negative but such is life. It’s what you make of it and I chose to look at the positive. I never looked at things in a negative way because the rules of camp incarceration were a guide to live in peace with the officers and inmates. Negative will be what an inmate chooses to complain about, it’s no different than living with your parents or following the rules at work, break them and there are consequences.
In regards to possible rape, highly unlikely to happen in a camp environment due to the people who are in camps like first time offenders and non-violent inmates with short sentences. I here of that more in high security prisons, people in camps just want to do there time and go home to there families.
on 14 Apr 2009 at 3:45 pm65Melissa
My boyfriend has been in a state correctional center for 5 months waiting on his trial date. I was able to visit him every week until last week. The lieutenant told us that he’s now restricted and can’t have visitation. I was informed to call for the prison nurse. The nurse told me that he’s in a restricted medical cell and he can’t receive mails neither..I ask the nurse if he is ok or not. She told me he’s fine. But If he’s fine, why is he in a restricted medical cell? Please help becasue i’m going crazy worrying about him.
on 14 Apr 2009 at 5:47 pm66Rickey
Your boyfriend is restricted by medical due to something he probably picked up that is contageous to the other inmates. Please remember that prison is a closed in environment and sickness speads fast, they are just being cautious.
on 29 Apr 2009 at 5:36 pm67MK
What is a good average amount of $ to send monthly, that would provide enough for calls and necessities and not too much for trouble?
on 29 Apr 2009 at 9:22 pm68Rickey
A good average amount to send each month would be a $100. Please remember also that inmates do receive a small amount of funds from their work detail.
on 21 May 2009 at 6:51 pm69Mike
Hi There:
First, let me thank you for your website. It has allowed me to sleep at night awaiting my sentencing. My question is Do you know anything about the Butner facility in NC. I am supposed to be going to the Camp, but everything I have been told so far did not come true. I have been waiting on an ankle bracelet under house arrest for two years waiting for trial that never came. I went ahead and plead guilty to get on with my life, and get this part of my life over with. I understand now that constitutional right to a speedy trial is not afforded to Americans! What type of people are in the camp? What is the average age. What type of education is available? I am thinking of a college degree and heard that NC is one of the few that has this available. I trust you! Thanks again for agreat service!
on 21 May 2009 at 11:19 pm70Rickey
Thank you, my hope is to help releave people’s fear of the unknown.
Now as to Butner, NC sorry I am not familiar with that facility.
In regards to the justice system, well let me just say that it was an education indeed and like you a frustrating one.
Camps have a variety of people with all sorts of backgrounds and professions (you will meet some very interesting people). The average age was about mid 20’s and 30’s but I have seen men in their 60’s also (a very diverse group).
The only education that I saw provided and available was a GED program and some brief courses that the history channel provided but as to a college level, sorry didn’t see it. I did here of some inmates who did college correspondence course by mail and again it was not widely known. The best education to receive will be what you apply yourself to with books so it’s really up to you. There is an educational department but it will depend on the staffing as to how much help you can receive.
Mike, I pray and hope that the judge will take into account the time you spent on house arrest to minimize your sentence. Take care and God bless.
on 26 May 2009 at 1:12 am71Lance
Hello Sir, thank you for such an insightful information into this blackhole only few seem to understand. I was recently sentenced to 27 months in prison for conspiracy to commit passport fraud and aggravated identity theft relating to the passport fraud. This is something I was an unwilling partner in, and my case is heading for appeals. Before the trial the prosecutors offered me a plea of 15 months which I turned down, because I didn’t think since I was not directly involved in it, at it rises to that level especial after I had already spent a month in jail and three month months of home confinement prior to the trial. The case is being appealed, and the same weak defence lawyer that handle my trial wants to also handle the appeal. I am educated with several degrees including an associate degree in Respiratory therapy, Bachelors in Chemistry/Biochemistry, Masters Degree in Business Admininstration, and a Doctor of Pharmacy Degree. I will be surrendering within the next 30 days.
My questions are; (1) Of this 27 months sentence how much of it should I expect to spend in Federal Camp (am I first time offender) (2) Do I get credit for the one month I was in federal detention and the three months I was confined at home (3) what can I do while there to put my education to good use (4) When should I expect to be transfered to a half-way house and for approximately how long. (5) Should I let this lawyer handle my appeal or hire get another lawyer.
on 27 May 2009 at 1:48 am72Rickey
Like you, I was also sentenced to 27 months, I received 3 months off for good conduct, served 22 months in federal camp and 2 months halfway house. You will probably serve about the same time.
Now as to credit on the time already spent in custody, well I’m not to sure about that one because of the conflicting stories I heard from other inmates but if it’s taken into account, the BOP will already have it calculated in your file.
Inmates with an education are usually placed in the educational department to help teach the GED classes and other classes, work in the library or some administration assistant position (easy stuff).
In regards to your appeal, sorry I can’t advise you but in my opinion I would get the trial transcrips and get a second opinion from another lawyer before making a final decision, again it’s just my opinion and what I would do.
on 04 Jun 2009 at 2:10 pm73Steve
Is there anyone out there that can answer questions specifically about FPC @ Maxwell, Montgomery AL? I have to report there in 2 weeks.
on 05 Jun 2009 at 3:52 am74Rickey
I have no specific facts about Maxwell but I have heard inmates say that it’s one of the better one to be in.
on 27 Aug 2009 at 9:00 pm75lauren
hi my fiance was self surrenderd on july 18th to MDC Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, Ny. it was his first offense and a non violent crime, he has a clean record besides for that he was given 30 months. his lawyer told us and his family that he would be going to a camp like Fort Dix or fairton, but now he was told by the staff at MDC that he will not be transfering at all. i have spoken to him since he surrendered, and he told me that as of now he will only be serving 22 months, which is great- but is there anyway to get him out of there sooner, with probation or house arrest? although his crime involved marijuana, he doesnt qualify for the RDAP program. also, do you know anything about MDC in particular, is it more of a jail with cells, or a prison with dorms? i worry about him everyday. would love if anyone can help me
on 29 Aug 2009 at 6:24 pm76Rickey
30 to 22 months, I believe he already got the sentence reduction allowed by the BOP. The only other thing that will possibly reduce a few months more will be time in a half way house. The case manager will inform him of that as the exit date approaches.
I have no information about MDC in particular but the reason for the delay of transfer has to do with availability in the prison camp he is going to.
Worrying will only make things worst in your mind. Write to him, talk about the things you both will do when he comes home. Treat this situation as though he is just out of town on business and focus on the relationship you have with him.
on 31 Aug 2009 at 12:39 am77David
Hi Rickey,
I have received my letter from the BOP to report to Devens FMC on 10/30/2009. I am a first offender, non-violent, white collar crime, some medical matters which are under control with daily medication. The medical situation is probably why I was designated to Devens as there were facilities much closer to my residence. My lawyer says I should be in the camp however the letter just says “Devens FMC.” As you may know this is the only ‘administrative’ facility for the Northeast section. It has a ‘hospital’, and various websites indicate that all sorts of security level inmates are housed in the FCI, from low to high. A great deal of sex offenders (child porn) apparently. Questions: Is it typical for the letter to just describe the facility name and not show a camp designation? If you are on daily medication that can not be interrupted, what happens on the first day you arrive and days to follow - are you allowed to bring in the medication you must have daily assuming they don’t immediately have it available to you? You are an outstanding person for this website and taking the time out of your life to answer all these questions. I will try to do the same when I get out.
on 31 Aug 2009 at 5:27 pm78Rickey
Yes, the letter on where to self-surrender is general, its up to the inmate to follow up on all the details. In fact this is a good time to tell you, it’s the inmates responsibility to get the facts, the BOP is not in the habit of voluntarily providing information.
Here is what I did, I called the institution and asked questions and they were pretty helpful. If they seem a little rude, have a loved one call in your behalf, they tend to be more polite.
In regards to the medication, call ahead and get the facts because not all institutions are the same. Explain your situation, most likely there will be no problem because one of the first things they do is have you see medical.
Thank you, the site was created to help and I am glad to here you want to do the same thing because my knowledge is only based on a 2 year experience in on prison camp and the stories I heard from others with me.
Take care David and God bless you.
on 09 Oct 2009 at 3:45 am79Craig
I found your site today and it is truley a blessing. Your honesty and ability to convey the issues at a Fed Camp are really amazing.
I am looking at a 46 month term at Seagoville TX due to a bipolar manic episode and a subsequent sex offense charge. There
no victim, I did something I have never ever done before and was and continue to be totally humiliated. I had no previous record as I was serving in the Military for the last 25 years. I am 49 married with two young beautiful children. I am a religious man. I am on total disability from the VA and Social Security due to a combination of mental and physical issues. Can I be forced to work if I am on total disability? I have neck,back, and knee problems. I am bipolar (in check with my meds)have anxiety disorder, and chronic pain disorder. How will all of these issues…and the others I have, affect my stay at the camp? I hold a Masters Degree in education and I only mention it as it relates to it being a benefit in prison, if it will actually help or hinder me?
I am ordered to attend sex offense and drug rehab (I was as a part of my mental issues growing/not using some marijuana). Do you know how these are run? I understand this rehab will take up to 12 months off my sentence. Are there any other things I can do other than “good” time that will help me take time off my sentence?
Any additional help or guideance you can offer will be greatly appreciated! Thank you
on 09 Oct 2009 at 3:33 pm80Rickey
First of all I want to extend my appreication and thank you personally for serving our country, Thank you.
Yes, you will be expected to work and they will assign you a job. This is nothing to be concerned about because with your level of education you will probably be asked to help in the education department or a clerk type position. Most all people with an education end up teaching GED classes, serve in the library or some office job, which is easy work.
Regarding your medical needs, the first week or so will be when the medical staff checks you out. This is when you explain everything to them, be sure to retain all medical paper and information they provide you because medical records have been know to get lost.
By knowing the facility your going to I would suggest that you call them before going in and ask about bringing copies of your medical history.
Now in regards to your sentence, yes, taking rehab programs do reduce your sentence time and with good time behavior you will probably only serve 36 months or less, which is a good thing.
The best guidance I can give you is trust in the Lord, He will be with you and your family. He was there with me the whole time and He will be with you also. The thing to remember is that God is in control and prison will be what you make of it, so trust in the Lord and be renewed by watching His blessings. God bless you and you family.
on 09 Oct 2009 at 5:29 pm81Craig
Thank you very much for your speedy repsonse. The information you have provided me will be very useful for me and my family. While I am not looking forward to this time, I do understand it will be what you make of it, much like basic training.
I am glad to know, that I should be assigned to do some kind of work that would not be physically taxing, as I just cant do it.
I would be proud to help others achieve educational goals.
I was told, of course I realize nothing is in stone till it happens, that I am ordered to attend a RDAP-rehab, which takes 12 months off. 6 months for good time, 6 months in a halfway house cuts t down, hopefully to around 24 months or so. Does this sound about right to you?
What would you be able to share in terms of a half-way house as I was told thats where I would spend my last months. I mention this as again, I know they cant legally force a 100% disabled person to work, so whats the point of a half-way house? Make sense?
You know, this whole experience has actually brought my family closer together and re-newed my faith in the Lord. I realize now we all have a path to follwo and for whatever reason he chose me to follow this one. I count my blessing every day that with my disability money, the fact that my career is behind me and pension guaranteed, life after this can and should be realatively normal….or as normal as can be.
Can you speak about post prison and how you were able to deal with probation/parole?
on 09 Oct 2009 at 8:31 pm82Rickey
You ask very good questions which I am glad to answer because that is what this site is all about, help.
Actually 24-30 months sounds about right but as you mention, it’s not written in stone yet. Here is a personal note to give you an idea, I received a 27 month sentence, served 21 months in prison camp, 2 months halfway house and received 4 months off for good behavior.
Halfway house is sort of an extention of the prison system but with more freedom. It’s a peroid of transition, you have to get a job but in your case it will probably not be an issue. After a few weeks or so you can request weekend passes with paper work of where you will be and such. Someone who has a job goes to there job in the private sector and in the evening report back for lodging. Again, it’s just a time of transition back into society.
Yes, this experience will draw the family together. The time was like a courtship for my wife and I and one we still cherish today. It’s actually a test in faith, friendship and love.
One of the things I prayed for going in was that God would provide teachers of His Word, praise God, He sent me 3 teachers from the local area that had prison ministries. The prison camp actually became a bible camp for me.
In regards to probation, it’s just a matter of following the rules of the probation officers. I was on probation for 3 years, I had to get travel request to travel outside the district I was in. I also had to submit a monthly report each month which got to be routine after a while. Sorry, no info on parole.
on 10 Oct 2009 at 2:46 am83Craig
I can not thank you enough for taking the time to answer my questions.
You have answered and put to rest many of the fears I have had concerning this upcoming “lost” period of time in my life. Lost in the sense I will not be able to see my family. I do however know that any situation is what you make of it…mostly.
If you or anyone who visits this site has information as to FCI Seagoville, please leave me a message.
I’m sure I’ll be leaving addtional qustions as the time gets nearer. Thanks again!!!
on 10 Oct 2009 at 3:33 am84Craig
My wife just had a good question. If I am ordered, as part of my sentencing, to take RDAP, am I pretty much guaranteed to get in at some point?
on 10 Oct 2009 at 4:11 am85Rickey
Great question. The problem with all programs within the BOP is the availability and a waiting list. For example, if the program takes 6 months to a year to complete then it may be 6 months to a year before the next opening is available and no waiting list.
I suggest that you inquire about it with the case manager about the program, they will know about the waiting list and availability.
Another thing to remember is that it may require you to be transfered to another location for the program which may take you further from home.
on 10 Oct 2009 at 4:17 am86Craig
WOW…fast response
Im ready for that to not happen until what like….24 months served….so pray for my entrance into the program sooner than later.
Im in Ut (not from Ut) (and thats why my sentence is so harsh…I’m not a Mormon)and Im going to Seagoville TX which does have the program. Far from the family, but with pen and paper…and email…we’ll be so closer rather than farther ……
Your point of writing isnt lost on me. I can imagine that I will go through many a pen and pad of paper.
on 10 Oct 2009 at 4:36 am87Rickey
Yes, if the judge already ordered it, then it will probably take place early in the sentence and when a slot opens. Sometimes, even though you are at the facility, you may be housed for a while before the program starts a new cycle, sort of like a semester. I can remember a lot of inmates being transfered to other location for a drug program and waiting 6 months before actually taking the program. Be patient because most of the time the BOP is not in the habit of doing things quickly.
Yes, I have already prayed. Everything will be all right because our Lord promises to take care of His children. Blessing to you and your family.
on 10 Oct 2009 at 4:42 am88Craig
My wife and I thank you for all of your help!!!!! You are doing a great thing by helping others prepare for …probably what appears to be the worst thing ever. But I have a feeling that opportunities, friendships and good things are there if you look for them.
Talk to you soon!
PS…what state are you in?
on 10 Oct 2009 at 4:52 am89Rickey
My family and I now live in Tennessee near Chattanooga.
Yes, you will make friends. I personally keep in touch with two of the ministers who came to the camp. In fact I now go to the county jail also and visit inmates in the pods bringing a bible study.
I also keep in touch with 2 inmates I made friends with.
The key to making good friends is be honest and be a man of you word. Trust me, it sounds worst than what it actually is. Just look at it as a long tour of duty in another country. I my case since I work in the engineering field, I treated it as a long term contract with the government. My job was serving as the garage clerk.
on 10 Oct 2009 at 4:58 am90Craig
I think its is a great thing that you stay in touch with both the ministers and inmates. It is also a wonderful thing that you continue to help, by visiting other inmates.
I’m not the biggest on overtly worshipping, I prefer to do it in my own way, but see the value of attending church and helping in any way with fellow inmates and ministers.
I’ll try to keep that in mind, your comment thats its not really that bad
on 10 Oct 2009 at 5:05 am91Rickey
My wife and I both work out of our home, so this is just normal working hours for us.
Just be open to the Lord leading you, He will direct you to those in need.
Seeds are planted even when we don’t know they are.
Yes, some moments in the camp were fun and it will be an education based on the variety of people and their professions you will meet.
on 10 Oct 2009 at 5:12 am92Craig
Well thanks again. My wife is sitting here and its a great reilef to her to have some of this information available to us ahead of time as you can imagine.
I look forward to discussing more in the future and hopefully adding new and helpful information of my own, albeit through my wife.
Take care for now.
on 10 Oct 2009 at 5:15 am93Rickey
I’ll be here, take care and good night.
on 11 Oct 2009 at 4:30 am94Craig
Good evening. I have a couple questions that perhaps everyone going down for some time can appreciate and relate to.
I, like many I assume, was burned badly depsite having no previous run ins with the law. Well, no offense to anyone out there but being a non native in Utah (read between the lines) I found myself being ripped open by the police (I hadent heard of frazier v cupp) pre-sentence writer, then the judge both affiiated with the same …cult).
My question is this. How did you deal with the hite hot hatred of the police and law enforcement in general?
I try, but as much as I’d like to forgive and forget…I’m having a very hard time doing so. I recognize this wil eat me alive and make my time longer, and less productive.
What did you do day to day to get by and stay busy?
on 12 Oct 2009 at 1:15 am95Rickey
Very good question and one that every inmate must deal with at some point.
In dealing with the situation of hatred, I first wanted to understand or at least know why certain people hated me. The conclusion I came up with was that they hated me for knowing the truth and the written law.
Knowing that, I first rested in the peace that I did nothing wrong which gave me a lot of assurance. I also prayed and rested in the Lord’s assurance.
I then had to learn how to forgive them. Yes, there was some anger and frustration in the process of learning to forgive them but again, I rested in the truth and God knew the truth. Being a man of faith I took great comfort that God was in control not the ones who hated me, so forgiveness came easy.
In getting by day to day, I wrote a lot to my wife, read my bible, read many books, attended the varoius bible study groups available and did the work they assigned to me. I also purchased a sketch pad, colored pencils and a calligraphy pen to improve my art skills. I also exercise, played some sports and walked a lot praying and talking to God.
I drew a lot of strength from my walk with the Lord and that is one thing that they could not take away from me, my salvation. Praise God!
on 12 Oct 2009 at 2:11 am96Craig
Intersting. I hadn’t thought about it that way. While I admit I did break the law, it was totally a manic episode, yet the police, maybe due to a lack of training but more likely they wanted publicity. That they got. And the flat out lies they told, fabrications, and misrepresentstions. Of the truth… was humliating. And what recourse do I have? That is where my anger is. I asked for and feel I recieved forgiveness. Yet, society will always judge me based on one moment, one mistake. And that hurts. I’ve done alot of good in my life, yet here I am??
I need an outlet to help or prevent others from imploding like I did.
I hope I can learn to forgive the police, the judge…,who could have given me much less time. It’s a system out of control. I can
at least be thankful it was
a victimless, non violent crime.
So how did you prepare mentally to report? How did you prepare your wife and children?
Sorry, I have a ton of questions:)
I’m worried also that the extensive testing I’ve done, physco sexual, sex inventory, etc. Won’t be taken seriously? And that scares me. These are all phd qualified, shouldn’t they be respected?
I digress……I simply am overwhelmed. A 46 month sentence….for a victimless, non violent, thought crime.
I know I will explore my spirituality like I never have before, and that’s a good thing.
I hope, like you, I can forgive them, all of them for not looking at
the facts, rather looking for publicity .
How did you prepare mentally to leave your family? How did you prepare your kids?
I apologize I have so many questions
thank you
on 12 Oct 2009 at 2:30 am97Craig
Interesting. I am really struggling with this issue of hatred and revenge. I need to find a productive outlet to help other people that may be in my situation, or end up in my situation.
I am sooo upset as I was in a documented manic episode. That doesnt excuse what I did, but it darn sure explains it. Yet the police lie, coerced, fabricated and just humiliated me. And chose to either by a lack of training or just the fact that they prefered headlines over the truth, bury, humiliate, and use me as a example.
The judge, well, he gave me the guidelines despite the perfect pre and post arrest. He ignored documented mental health issues (now in check), evaluations, sex inventory testing that confirms without a doubt this was a fluke, due to combination of marital, mental, occupational, and physical stress and undiagnosed mental illnesses….
I feel a need to uncover this to a public that has only been given the bare facts as the police fed them to the local “media”. Any ideas?
Now, I am sure over time, I hope anyways, I can come to forgive them all as you did….but man…thats going to be hard! I know Jesus was able to forgive…but Im not that strong yet.
So how did you prepare mentally to report? How did you prepare your wife and children? Mine will be in Utah and thats a million miles away from where I’ll be…..
So ….what outlet is available? Ive got to figure that out.
I apologize for all the questions….I may be just a little overwhelmed.
on 12 Oct 2009 at 3:52 am98Rickey
Let me begin by saying, STOP and DIRECT your attention to what is important, a GOD who loves you, a wife who loves you and children who love you. They will be your strength, focus on what you know is a true fact. All other things are just speculation at this time and you will quickly see that it’s not what you thought it would be.
Learning to forgive is hard but the rewards are greater, peace of mind. Hatred and revenge only feeds a growing enemy, stopping it only comes by forgiveness. Here is another thing that will help, hatred only comes from a handful of people who are not your family or friends and you may never see them again. So, ask yourself, will I allow these few people to rob me of love, joy and peace which comes from Jesus and your family.
Now in regards to preparing, I had a wonderful Easter dinner with family, sort of a family reunion before self-surrendering a few days later to the prison camp. We all knew and rested in the assurance of the truth and accepted it and moved on with life. This was not the end but just another chapter in life and it became a time of becoming stronger. We always live life in the present and 3 to 4 years from now you also will look back on it and see the benefits of what the Lord will do in you family as well as yourself.
Other preparation consisted of basic acts of services for my wife like car maintenance, people to check up on her, some finances in order, etc. The best preparation you can do is to keep the line of communication open, do whatever it takes to keep in contact with your wife and children.
OK, when it comes to the testing you had done, well let me just say that the BOP will want you to participate in their programs. That information is best used in the pre-sentencing phase and for the judge to take into considerstion before the sentence.
Again, focus on what is important, your wife, children and the Lord.
on 22 Oct 2009 at 2:21 am99Craig
Thanks Ricky
on 24 Oct 2009 at 2:12 pm100steve
Great site…I am getting prepared for sentencing and entry into the system for a white collar tax crime. This has helped me a ton.
Good luck. Try not to focus on your anger and hatred so much. Mormons in Utah try to do what’s right. Maybe they were harsh on you, but I am in PA and here they are really harsh on child solicitation too. I think it is just the times and all the horror stories, make people react/over react to anything dealing with the possibility of children.
With your family, and with a trust and devotion to a higher being, you can change and get better. Then, once you are out, just put all of this crap behind you. Focusing on your anger will only make you not reenter well and you could even hurt your family by exploding at them.
Good Luck!!
on 24 Oct 2009 at 5:15 pm101Rickey
You are welcome and thanks you, this site is to help and I am glad you found some answers.
on 24 Oct 2009 at 6:20 pm102Thomas
Found your website today, I appreciate your endeavors to provide factual information, thank you.
The first question concerns the offense makeup of inmate population.
What are the approximate percentages of particular offenses.
Mail fraud is what I will be likely convicted of (presently in plea bargaining). Interested in what kind of people am I likely to be incarcerated with.
Secondly, how much of the information in a person’s non-public criminal record will the inmate population be able to obtain?
Finally, concerning work, can an inmate request the type of work he prefers to do?
If an inmate works efficiently and diligently will that be perceived by other inmates as sucking up to administration?
One thing I have learned about work is that if you put your all into it (even if you dislike the work and conditions) the time absolutely flies. Boredom and restriction of intellectual diversity frightens me, making time fly is a must.
I have gone as far as considering learning self-hypnosis to avoid the boredom after seeing a prisoner on TV that employed it to survive years in solitary.
Read somewhere on your site you reside in Pennsylvania.
I reside in southwestern Pennsylvania, am hoping incarceration at Morgantown WV.
Again, appreciate your endeavors on behalf of those facing Federal Prison Camps.
on 24 Oct 2009 at 9:28 pm103Rickey
You ask some very good questions, please remember that my answers is based on two years experience at only one prison camp of about a hundred inmates.
I’d say that about 60-70% of the inmates in prison camps are drug related or some conspiracy to drug activity. The others are white collar crimes like mail fruad as you mention to tax evasion. The biggest thing I observed was that most of the inmates were there due to some conspiracy or intimidation. I remember one man pleading guilty to 2 years because they threaten to prosecute his wife. You will quickly observe that most of the white collar crime inmates hang around each other or keep to themselves.
In regards to non-public records, only the BOP staff has access to your files. All inmates get there information from what they here from other inmates, BOP staff and correctional officers (guards). Usually inmates ask other inmates why they are incarcerated, sort of a get to know you process. At this point I would just share basic knowledge without volunteering specific information, keep your answers brief to all questions.
Now when it comes to work, you do have some say in the process but it’s limited and depends on your skill level. Most all white collar crime inmates with a high school education or higher work in the education department or some type of clerk related jobs. The key about working is to do what is assigned for you to do and that’s all, wait for instructions from the officer in charge and do not get involved with another inmates job unless directed by an officer.
Some jobs will be boring and others will keep you busy. For the boring times I use to bring a book to read or do some writing. The secret is to find things to keep you busy. I for one bought some art supplies to draw with, I wrote a lot of letters, read a lot of books, played some sports, exercised, attended bible studies and participated in the evening BOP educational programs.
I now reside in Tennessee near Chattanooga but I was incarcerated in Pollock, Louisiana.
on 25 Oct 2009 at 4:36 pm104Thomas
Dear Rickey,
I have now read your entire site and have gained incredible insight into the environment I’ll likely experience. I now approach it with far less apprehension.
Served in the United States Navy in the early sixties.
Aboard ship we were housed 60 men 3 bunks high in a space 24′ x 40′, on shore we lived in uninsulated asbestos siding barracks (essentially like chicken houses).
Many of the lessons learned living in close quarters, the structured displined atmosphere and the required social adaptation will be an asset.
You stated that you evisioned your time as a long term working contract in another country, I already had viewed my potential time as another stretch in the Navy.
My offense while considered white collar doesn’t exactly reflect my life. I have had a varied work history, electronic background (navy), telephone company swithing equipment repair, construction home building business(not bigtime), union heavy industrial electrical work, welding, farming and vehicle & equipment repair.
Yet I think I’d prefer to work in food preparation as I’d think that would be the most intense job in prison.
Have a question concerning plea bargaining.
I have been searching cases similar to mine and have noticed the US Attorney’s office does a press release when the defendent pleads guilty, but there is no subsequent sentencing information.
I reason in the plea bargain the defendent received home confiement or a severely diminished sentence, therefore the US Attorney doesn’t promulgate the sentence.
I am certain you have heard hundreds of case stories, do you have any conclusions in regards to the plea bargaining process?
I accept my fate and was resigned to accepting prison within an hour of the search warrent execution. It is what it is. I don’t blame anyone else and I am not bitter or angry.
The current endeavor consists of possibly mitigating the consequences of a conviction and being prepared for that eventuality..
With great appreciation,
on 25 Oct 2009 at 7:23 pm105Rickey
Wow, quite a resume of skills and a navy tour to add, should be an easy walk in the park for you, just another tour at sea or other country. Trust me, you will have it easy, the problem will be not to get bored.
With the skills you have there are a number of position that will be available to you and food service will be one of them. Funny that you mention food service because that is the one job that is always available, most inmates don’t like it and other love it because of the benefits of working in the kitchen.
Plea bargaining is something I don’t know much of because I chose to go to trial. One thing I do know is that in a plea bargain there is no chance for appeal, it’s admitting guilt. One major benefit of plea bargaining is a reduction in prison time and yes possible probation, home confinement or maybe halfway house time. The thing to remember is that whatever you hear from the attorneys it may not be the outcome you expected, it’s really up to the judge and his word is final.
on 25 Oct 2009 at 9:19 pm106Craig
Thank you for your kind words.
You are right, I will most definately have to refocus my anger towards something positive. And your right, after (and 46 months away from myfamily wont be easy), once out, I will most definately put this bump in the road behind me.
Thanks again and good luck with your situation as well.
on 19 Jan 2010 at 5:09 am107SUE
My son has to report to Hazelton Prison Camp,WV. Do you know anything about it? It is connected to a high security prison. Will he have to spend any time there?
He will be in a hard leg cast. Will that cause problems?
Do most prisoners have to go to what they call the Hole and what is it?
I am very worried and would appreciate anything you know.
Thank you
on 19 Jan 2010 at 7:07 pm108Rickey
Sorry, I have no information about Hazelton but it sounds like the camp I was in, the camp was located next door to a high security prison.
No, he will not be in the high security or even associate with them. The reason for the camp next door is that the camp inmates are used as labor to maintain the surrounding facility. However there are times and rare occasion when the high security prison goes into lockdown. When this happens a selected group of inmates are used to provide help in the food service. Camp inmates are escorted to the high security kitchen and they help prepare meals but again they do not associate with them.
No problems with the cast, medical will check him out and ask question regarding his condition. I would suggest bringing a copy of medical records to help them out.
In regards to the hole, only camp inmates who break the rules get put in the hole and then again it has to be serious like fighting for example. Only those who challenge authority or cause trouble get put in the hole.
Dear Sue, this will be harder on you than it will be for him. Assure him to be a man of his word and always tell the truth. Even though you may think there are a lot of bad inmates let me put your mind at ease because there were a lot of good people in the camp also. It’s no different from being in the private sector, it still comes down to who will your son hang around with.
I know you are concern about your son and I understand completely because I saw it in my own mother and my wife. I always assured them that I was fine and I was more concerned about them, love is a wonderful thing because in times like these it only draws a family closer together.
Please do not hesitate to ask question, I am hear to provide support.
God bless you and speedy recovery and healing for your son’s leg.
on 20 Jan 2010 at 8:13 pm109SUE HUFF
Thank you for such a prompt response.
on 27 Jan 2010 at 1:33 am110MK
on 27 Jan 2010 at 2:31 am111Rickey
Yes, it is a privileged job. I remember the man who did the same thing in the prison camp I was in, he also had the job overseeing the hobby craft room and yes it was a paying job.
on 17 Feb 2010 at 5:28 am112rawdeal
Besides your very valuable web site, is there any book that you feel is worth reading?
on 17 Feb 2010 at 5:30 am113rawdeal
Do you have any information on the privately run camps versus the ones run by the government? Are they any better?
on 18 Feb 2010 at 8:27 pm114Rickey
The only books that I highly recommend is “The Holy Bible” and a devotional titled “My Utmost For His Highest” by Oswald Chambers. They both brought me great peace and understanding. Other books were my personal preference.
Sorry, I have no information regarding privately run camps.
on 19 Mar 2010 at 7:32 pm115Richard
Hello Rickey
Your site truly was informational but I am in Florida and I was sentenced 3 days ago and will have to report in on April the 15th localy. I was told I will be held localy until I have a designated spot. Now my options I hope will be is Coleman’s or somewhere in Miami. Do you or anyone have information on these places. I will be in Minimum Security Federal Prison Camp. Please Help . I never ben in something like this so a ton of senarios weight of my mind ,like inmate rape ,fights and things of this nature. I just would like to know if these things happen in Minimum Security Federal Prison Camps.please help
on 19 Mar 2010 at 7:33 pm116Richard
By the way I was hit with 1year and a day which I told my attorney is 10 months.please advise on this also.
Any chance of early realese in Federal Prison Camp or work release?
on 21 Mar 2010 at 3:30 am117Rickey
Prison camps are a lot safer than low, medium or high security prison where most of the bad things happen. For example, fighting is prohibited in a prison camp, those caught fighting are immediately taken out of camp status. Basically you have to be on your best behavior in everything or else you are out of there, so inmates don’t usually push it.
In regards to the time served. Yes, inmates typically serve about 85% of their sentence. So your estimate is about right, possibly less with half-way house.
on 22 Apr 2010 at 11:28 pm118Kelly
I really wish this were a more active site because Prison Talk Online is a sham. The moderators there are running their own little prison by way of the members. The moderators have destroyed any potential for anyone to feel comfortable there. They think they are the “prison guards”….
on 24 Apr 2010 at 4:57 pm119Rickey
This site is active to me and my hope is that it willl be for you as well.
My hope is that this site provides answers to any fears that may linger with those facing prison time and comfort to the families who have a family member in prison. Take care and God bless.
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